
The one where we pay $350 to find out that Maggie has gas

So the past couple of days Maggie has been having stomach issues. She had some pretty rough diarrhea and occasional vomiting. Diarrhea and vomiting were two of Duke's favorite things when he was a puppy, so I am no stranger to them. So, I handled it the same way I used to handle it for Duke. I made sure she had plenty of water, took her out as much as she needed (who wants diarrhea in the house?) and gave her a Pepcid. Boiled chicken and rice was next on the agenda. These few things used to cure Duke in no time. But, then all of a sudden Maggie's back legs stopped working. She couldn't really walk/get up or lay down. It scared Julian and I so of course we googled it. Google is a terrible thing because now we are convinced she is having an allergic reaction of some sort and is going paralyzed. Julian decides to call a 24 hour emergency vet (it's 9:30 pm). They say it sounds pretty serious so we have to bring her in. Julian, being the best husband and doggie daddy ever, gets dressed, carries her to the car, and brings her to the emergency vet. He calls me after everything was over (around 11) and says they took x-rays of her stomach and hips. They were afraid of a blockage of some sort and/or hip displaysia. But, fortunately, she is fine and all they could see on the x-ray was a big gas bubble. So, Maggie has gas. Lots of gas.
We knew that....

I guess better safe than sorry!

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